Expert Tips: How To Ground Rega Planar 2 For Enhanced Performance

What To Know

  • Twist the exposed wire into a loop and secure it under the head of the ground terminal screw.
  • Set the multimeter to the continuity setting and touch one probe to the ground terminal on the turntable and the other probe to the ground terminal on the phono preamp.
  • If you experience a loud hum after grounding the turntable, it may be due to a ground loop.

Grounding your Rega Planar 2 turntable is a crucial step in ensuring optimal performance and minimizing noise. By effectively grounding the turntable, you can eliminate unwanted electrical interference and hum, resulting in a purer and more enjoyable listening experience. This guide will provide you with a detailed step-by-step process on how to ground your Rega Planar 2 turntable.

Materials Required

  • Ground wire
  • Screwdriver
  • Wire strippers or a sharp knife
  • Optional: Multimeter (for testing continuity)

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Identify the Ground Terminal

On the back of the Rega Planar 2, locate the ground terminal. It is typically a small, gold-plated screw or a dedicated ground post.

2. Connect the Ground Wire

Take the ground wire and strip about 1/2 inch of insulation from one end. Twist the exposed wire into a loop and secure it under the head of the ground terminal screw. Tighten the screw to ensure a secure connection.

3. Connect to the Phono Preamp

The other end of the ground wire should be connected to the ground terminal of your phono preamplifier. This is usually a screw or spring-loaded terminal marked “GND” or “Ground.”

4. Test Continuity (Optional)

Using a multimeter, you can test the continuity of the ground connection. Set the multimeter to the continuity setting and touch one probe to the ground terminal on the turntable and the other probe to the ground terminal on the phono preamp. If the multimeter beeps, it indicates a good ground connection.


1. No Sound or Hum

  • Ensure that the ground wire is securely connected to both the turntable and the phono preamp.
  • Check the ground terminal on the turntable for any loose connections or corrosion.
  • Try a different ground wire to rule out faulty wiring.

2. Ground Loop Hum

  • If you experience a loud hum after grounding the turntable, it may be due to a ground loop.
  • Disconnect the ground wire from the phono preamp and see if the hum disappears.
  • If the hum persists, it may be necessary to use a ground loop isolator.

3. Static Discharge

  • Grounding the turntable can help reduce static discharge, but it may not completely eliminate it.
  • Consider using an anti-static mat or brush to further reduce static.

Benefits of Grounding

  • Eliminates unwanted electrical noise and hum
  • Improves sound quality and clarity
  • Reduces static discharge
  • Protects the turntable and components from damage

Takeaways: Grounding Your Rega Planar 2 for Optimal Performance

Grounding your Rega Planar 2 turntable is a simple but essential step for achieving the best possible listening experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively eliminate noise and hum, ensuring a pure and enjoyable sound reproduction. Remember to test the continuity of the ground connection and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. With proper grounding, your Rega Planar 2 will perform at its peak, delivering years of musical enjoyment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use any type of ground wire?

Yes, you can use any type of ground wire, such as speaker wire or a dedicated ground wire. However, it is recommended to use a wire with a low resistance, such as copper or silver.

2. Does the length of the ground wire matter?

The length of the ground wire should be as short as possible to minimize resistance. However, it should be long enough to reach comfortably from the turntable to the phono preamp.

3. Can grounding damage my turntable?

Proper grounding will not damage your turntable. In fact, it is essential for protecting the turntable and components from electrical damage.