What To Know

  • Conversely, the Ortofon 2M Blue employs an elliptical stylus, which provides a slightly wider contact area with the record groove.
  • The Ortofon 2M Blue exhibits a slightly narrower frequency range of 20Hz to 22kHz, with a focus on the midrange and upper bass regions.
  • The Ortofon 2M Blue, on the other hand, has a slightly warmer and more dynamic sound.

In the realm of audiophile cartridges, the Audio Technica AT-VM95ML and Ortofon 2M Blue stand as two formidable contenders. Both adorned with blue styli, these cartridges promise exceptional sound reproduction and meticulous attention to detail. But which one reigns supreme? Let’s delve into a comprehensive comparison to uncover the nuances that set them apart.

Stylus Design

The key differentiator between these cartridges lies in their stylus designs. The AT-VM95ML boasts a MicroLine stylus, renowned for its precise tracking ability and extended frequency response. Conversely, the Ortofon 2M Blue employs an elliptical stylus, which provides a slightly wider contact area with the record groove.

Tracking Ability

The MicroLine stylus of the AT-VM95ML excels in tracking intricate passages and complex musical textures. Its narrow profile allows it to follow groove modulations with remarkable accuracy, resulting in exceptional detail retrieval and minimal distortion. The Ortofon 2M Blue’s elliptical stylus, while not as precise as the MicroLine, still delivers commendable tracking performance, especially in mid-range frequencies.

Frequency Response

The AT-VM95ML’s frequency response extends from 20Hz to 25kHz, offering a wide and balanced soundscape. Its MicroLine stylus contributes to its extended treble response, capturing subtle nuances and overtones. The Ortofon 2M Blue exhibits a slightly narrower frequency range of 20Hz to 22kHz, with a focus on the midrange and upper bass regions.

Channel Separation

Channel separation refers to the ability of a cartridge to reproduce stereo channels independently. The AT-VM95ML demonstrates impressive channel separation, ensuring a clear and well-defined soundstage. Its MicroLine stylus helps minimize crosstalk between channels, resulting in precise imaging and a more immersive listening experience. The Ortofon 2M Blue also offers good channel separation, albeit slightly less than the AT-VM95ML.

Output Voltage

The output voltage of a cartridge determines its compatibility with different phono preamps. The AT-VM95ML generates a higher output voltage of 4.0mV, making it suitable for a wider range of preamps. The Ortofon 2M Blue, with an output voltage of 2.5mV, requires a preamp with sufficient gain to boost its signal to an optimal level.


Compliance refers to the cartridge’s ability to adapt to the tonearm’s resonance. The AT-VM95ML exhibits high compliance, making it a good match for tonearms with low to medium mass. The Ortofon 2M Blue has a slightly lower compliance, which pairs well with tonearms of moderate mass.

Sound Signature

The AT-VM95ML is known for its neutral and balanced sound signature. It reproduces music with a high degree of accuracy, revealing every detail without any noticeable coloration. The Ortofon 2M Blue, on the other hand, has a slightly warmer and more dynamic sound. It emphasizes the midrange and upper bass frequencies, resulting in a more engaging and lively presentation.

Final Note: The Verdict

The choice between the Audio Technica AT-VM95ML and Ortofon 2M Blue ultimately depends on personal preferences and system compatibility. If precision tracking and a wide frequency response are priorities, the AT-VM95ML is a formidable choice. For those seeking a warmer and more dynamic sound, the Ortofon 2M Blue offers a compelling alternative. Both cartridges represent exceptional value in their respective price ranges and will elevate the listening experience of any audio enthusiast.

Questions We Hear a Lot

Q: Which cartridge is better for high-resolution audio playback?
A: The AT-VM95ML’s MicroLine stylus is more suited for tracking the intricate grooves of high-resolution records.

Q: Can I use the Ortofon 2M Blue with a heavy tonearm?
A: While the Ortofon 2M Blue has lower compliance, it can still be used with heavier tonearms, provided the tracking force is adjusted accordingly.

Q: Which cartridge has a longer lifespan?
A: Both cartridges have a stylus lifespan of approximately 1,000 hours, assuming proper care and maintenance.