What To Know

  • The PS-LX310BT, on the other hand, boasts the Sony VM-95C cartridge and elliptical stylus, offering a wider frequency response and enhanced tracking capabilities.
  • The PS-LX310BT, on the other hand, features a semi-automatic operation, automatically lifting the tonearm at the end of a record.
  • The AT-LP3 offers a built-in phono preamp, allowing you to connect it directly to an amplifier or powered speakers without the need for an external phono stage.

In the realm of vinyl enthusiasts, the choice between the Audio-Technica AT-LP3 and the Sony PS-LX310BT often arises. Both turntables boast impressive features, but which one truly stands out? To help you make an informed decision, we present an in-depth comparison of the Audio-Technica AT-LP3 vs Sony PS-LX310BT.

Build Quality and Design

The Audio-Technica AT-LP3 exudes a classic and minimalist aesthetic with its solid MDF construction. Its sturdy plinth effectively absorbs vibrations, ensuring a stable and resonant-free listening experience. In contrast, the Sony PS-LX310BT features a more modern and compact design. Its lightweight aluminum chassis provides portability and durability.

Cartridge and Stylus

The AT-LP3 comes equipped with the AT91R cartridge and conical stylus, known for its balanced and detailed sound reproduction. The PS-LX310BT, on the other hand, boasts the Sony VM-95C cartridge and elliptical stylus, offering a wider frequency response and enhanced tracking capabilities.

Drive System

Both turntables employ a belt-driven system, which reduces motor noise and vibration. However, the AT-LP3 offers a fully manual operation, providing precise control over playback speed and other settings. The PS-LX310BT, on the other hand, features a semi-automatic operation, automatically lifting the tonearm at the end of a record.


The Sony PS-LX310BT sets itself apart with its Bluetooth connectivity. This allows for wireless playback of vinyl records on Bluetooth-enabled speakers or headphones. The AT-LP3, however, lacks wireless capabilities and requires a wired connection to an amplifier or speakers.

Features and Convenience

The AT-LP3 offers a built-in phono preamp, allowing you to connect it directly to an amplifier or powered speakers without the need for an external phono stage. The PS-LX310BT, on the other hand, requires a separate phono preamp for playback. Additionally, the PS-LX310BT includes a USB output for easy digitization of vinyl records to a computer.

Sound Quality

The AT-LP3 delivers a warm and engaging sound with a well-balanced frequency response. Its conical stylus provides a crisp and clear sonic signature. The PS-LX310BT, with its elliptical stylus, excels in tracking detail and extracting subtle nuances from vinyl records. Its sound is characterized by its clarity and spaciousness.

Which Turntable is Right for You?

The choice between the Audio-Technica AT-LP3 and the Sony PS-LX310BT ultimately depends on your individual preferences and needs. If you value classic design, manual operation, and a built-in phono preamp, the AT-LP3 is an excellent choice. For those seeking wireless connectivity, a USB output, and a more modern aesthetic, the PS-LX310BT is an ideal option.

Recommendations: A Tale of Two Classics

The Audio-Technica AT-LP3 and the Sony PS-LX310BT represent two exceptional turntables that cater to different tastes and requirements. Both offer high-quality sound reproduction and reliable performance. Whether you are a seasoned vinyl enthusiast or just starting your journey into the world of analog audio, these turntables are worthy of consideration.

Questions You May Have

1. Which turntable is better for beginners?

Both the AT-LP3 and the PS-LX310BT are suitable for beginners, but the PS-LX310BT’s semi-automatic operation and Bluetooth connectivity make it slightly more user-friendly.

2. Can I use the AT-LP3 without an external phono preamp?

Yes, the AT-LP3 has a built-in phono preamp.

3. Which turntable has a better sound quality?

Both turntables offer excellent sound quality, but the PS-LX310BT’s elliptical stylus provides slightly better tracking and detail retrieval.

4. Which turntable is more durable?

Both turntables are well-built, but the AT-LP3’s solid MDF construction provides slightly better vibration isolation.

5. Which turntable is more portable?

The PS-LX310BT is more portable due to its lightweight aluminum chassis.